Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Aftershocks of pleasure
Like I need the reminder
Of a one time, sometime
Casual experience.
You go home to a shared
Intimacy of lies.
I stay here with all my
Unspoken goodbyes.
You are nothing to me,
The pleasure is fading.
You told me your name
Walking out the door.
I'm still there somehow
On my living room floor.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is It?

"It's not the best, but it's not the worst"
And other things we say
When we get less than we want.
But is it less than we deserve?

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Petty Purification

She's a parody of a person,
Selling health in a bag,
Hocking a life style via Internet
No one can afford.

She promotes "well being"
Like kale can save your soul,
But a juice cleanse and granola mix
Won't make you whole.

#NoMakeup selfies,
Pictures of the dogs
Eating vegan treats.
We're all just filthy animals
Who crave meat.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


You know what,
Fuck you for thinking I'm disposable.
Fuck you for not caring the way I care.
Fuck you, I'm tired of making excuses,
And taking all the blame.
If you don't need me, then go.
If you don't want me, then go.
Then go fuck yourself.

Thursday, September 05, 2019


You look at me and see a wild thing.
And I am.
A child of the forest,
A warrior of the first people.
Men like you look at me and see
A creature to tame
Or to kill.
A woman without fear,
Without respect,
Without submission.
You look at me and see a wild thing.
And I am.
With your throat between my teeth,
Only then will I smile.